Chemische Technik, Vol.49, No.6, 267-274, 1997
To the 100th anniversary of foundation of the "Physikalischchemisches Institut" and the "Laboratorium fur angewandte Chemie" at the University of Leipzig
One of the first institutes of Physical Chemistry in Germany was founded in autumn 1897 at the university of Leipzig by Wilhelm Ostwald. The institute was situated in a new and modern building for research, practical exercises and teaching in Linnestr. 2. Already ten years before, from 1887 to 1897, Wilhelm Ostwald, coming from Riga, worked as head of the second chemical laboratory, located in the Bruderstr.34. These ten years were the so-called time of "lonier" and many important scientists worked there. The first assistants from Wilhelm Ostwald in Leipzig 1887 were Walther Nernst (to 1889), Ernst Beckmann (to 1890), and Julius Wagner. Ernst Beckmann, meanwhile professor in Erlangen, got in the same year, in 1897, a call to Leiptig as a professor for applied chemistry. He becames the head of the founded laboratory of applied chemistry in the free laboratory rooms in Bruderstr. 34. During the world war II, the Institute of Physical Chemistry was destroyed, strongly. Only a part of the historical building exists today. At present, the institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is domiciled in the historical building. Carl Paal, the chair for applied chemistry since 1912 was discharged from active service in 1929. His chair was not again occupied. The laboratory of applied chemistry and pharmacy (official denotation since 1914) finished in 1938 with division in the institute of Pharmacy and the department for chemical technology.