Advanced Materials, Vol.16, No.13, 1106-1106, 2004
Synthesis of SiCNO nanowires through heat-treatment of polymer-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes
Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in 1991,([1]) the synthesis of nanoscale, one-dimensional materials has attracted considerable attention due to their potential for use in both mesoscopic research and in the development of nano-devices. ([2-5]) Because of the morphological integrity of carbon nanotubes, which are able to spatially confine reactions, they have been used as templates to synthesize nanoscale, one-dimensional materials with similar diameters, lengths, and orientations close to their own.([5]) Through filling the inside hollow space of CNTs with other elements or through decorating the outside surfaces, different kinds of nanoscale, one-dimensional materials with heterostructures have been fabricated. For example, silicon carbide nanotubes, nanorods, and nanowires; ([4-8]) gallium nitride nanowires;([2]) SiBCN nanocables;([3]) titanium carbide and niobium nitride nanotubes and nanorods;([9]) heterostructural carbon nanotubes and carbide nanorods;([10]) and SiC-SiOx biaxial nanowires([11]) have recently been synthesized using carbon nanotubes as templates. However, to date, no report has shown that multi-element nanoscale SiCNO one-dimensional materials have been synthesized.