Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.344, No.2, 623-630, 2006
Non-coding transcripts far upstream of the epsilon-globin gene are distinctly expressed in human primary tissues and erythroleukemia cell lines
Non-coding exons of epsilon-globin inRNA originating within the 236 kb upstream region of the F.-globin gene were identified in human primary tissues and K562 cells. One predominant type Of upstream epsilon mRNA, which originated in the -76 kb region 5' to the epsilon gene, was present in human primary tissues, whereas 11 other isoforms were identified in K562 cells. Fragment from the -76 kb region possessed promoter activity and a prominent DNase I hypersensitive site was formed in the region similar to 2 kb 5' to the -76 kb promoter in human fetal liver, but not in K562 cells. The promoter activity in the -236 kb region resided in a retrotransposon in K562 cells. A DNase I hypersensitive site was formed at the -236 kb promoter in K562 cells, but not in human fetal liver. We discussed these results in the context of intergenic transcription and chromatin opening in the beta-globin gene cluster. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords:non-coding exons;alternative splicing;human primary tissues;transformed cells;chromatin opening