Polymer(Korea), Vol.14, No.4, 371-377, August, 1990
가교화 (Gelatin-Carboxymethyl Cellulose) 고분자 전해질 복합체막의 제조와 용질투과특성
Preparation and Solute Permeable Properties of Cross-linked (Gelatin-Carboxymethyl Cellulose) Polyelectrolyte Complex Membrane
천연 재료인 gelatin과 carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)로 부터 고분자전해질 복합체를 형성시켜 투석막 소재로의 이용가능성을 검토하기 위하여 복합체 형성 pH범위, 함수율. 인장강도와 신장율 밀도 등 기초적 물성을 측정하고 가교후의 용질투과성을 조사하였다. 그 결과 고분자전해질 복합체의 혼합비율에 따른 복합체막의 형성범위는 pH 5.2∼pH 2.4, 함수율은 98∼77%, 건조시 인장강도는 544∼617kg/㎠, 습윤시의 인장강도는 gelatin과 CMC의 혼합비율이 2 : 1인 GC-21의 시료만이 막강도를 유지하였다. 가교제의 양을 1.0∼13.0 (mo1/lg GC-21)×10-5으로 조절하여 가교시킨 막들의 습윤시 인장강도는 24.5∼34.7 kg/㎠, 신장율은 121∼16%, 함수율은 69∼51.8%, 밀도는 1.3760∼1.3586 g/㎤이었다. 용질투과성은 가교제의 양이 증가함에 따라 농도 200ppm에서 urea는 1.21∼0.87, creatinine은 0.76∼0.53, dextrose는 0.20∼0.14, sucrose는 0.08∼0.05×10-6㎠/min의 값을 나타냈다.
The solute permeabilities of polyelectrolyte complex membrane prepared from gelatin and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were examined and the mechanical properties such as water content, tensile strength, elongation rate, and density of membrane were evaluated. The pH which can form membrane was changed from 2.4 to 5.2 in accordance with variation of mixing ratio of gelatin and CMC and the water content of membrane was 97.7∼ 76.6%. The tensile strength of membrane was 544∼617kg/㎠ in dry state and only the membrane which was composed of gelatin and CMC with the mixing ratio of 2 : 1 exhibited mechanical strength in wet state. which was improved by crosslinking the membrane with glutaraldehyde in the range of 1.0∼13.0(mol/lg GC-21)×10-5. The crosslinked membrane showed tensile strength 24.5∼ 34.7kg/㎠, elongation rate 121∼16%, water content 69.0∼51.8% and density 1.3760∼ 1.3586g/㎤ in wet state. The permeability values of urea, creatinine, dextrose, and sucrose were 1.21∼0.87, 0.76∼0.53, 0.20×0.14 and 0.08∼0.05×10-6㎠/min, respectively.
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