Polymer(Korea), Vol.17, No.2, 203-211, March, 1993
아크릴계 점착제의 합성과 그의 점착특성에 관한 연구; 2.이소시아네이트 가교에 의한 용액형 점착제
A Study on the Synthesis of Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives and Its Adhesive Characteristics; 2. Solution Type by Isocyanate Crosslinking
아크릴계 용액형 점착제를 제조하기 위하여 아크릴계 4원공중합체(EBEA)를 선택하였고, EBEA에 폴리이소시아네이트 가교제로서 가교시켜 이소시아네이트 가교점착제(EBEAP)를 제조하였다. EBEAP를 폴리에스테르 필름에 도포하여 처리농도에 따른 물성변화를 살펴보았는데, 점착제 중 EBEAP-1은 접착력 330g/inch width, 응집력 1300min, 점착성 5/32로서 나타나 재박리형 점착제임을 입증하였다. EBEAP-1은 여러가지 피착체의 재질에 양호한 접착력과 재박리성을 나타내어 넓은 용도 범위에서 재박리형 점착제로 사용가능하였다. 또한 점착제 가교 전후의 반응메카니즘을 고찰하였고, SEM으로 가교 전후의 점착제 표면구조를 관찰하였다.
In the preparation of acrylic solution type pressure-sensitive adhesives(PSA's), quanternary polymers(EBEA) were selected. Isocyanate crosslinked PSA's(EBEAP) were prepared by crosslinking of EBEA with polyisocyanate. The physical properties of polyester film coated with EBEAP were measured as a function of the treating concentration. As the result, EBEAP-1 showed peel adhesion of 330g/inch width, shear adhesion of more than 1300 minutes, and tackiness of 5/32, which is suitable for removable PSA's. EBEAP-1 showed good peel adhesion and removability for several kinds of substrate, and it could be used as a wide range removable PSA's. Reaction mechanism before and after crosslinking of PSA's was proposed, and surface structure of PSA's before and after crosslinking was characterized by SEM.
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