Energy Journal, Vol.17, No.4, 1-31, 1996
Economic and regulatory factors affecting the maintenance of nuclear power plants
This paper examines the factors causing the escalation in the 1980s and subsequent leveling off of nuclear power plant non-fuel Operating and Maintenance (O&M) costs. Over the period 1974-93, real (inflation-adjusted) non-fuel O&M costs escalated from about $23 to about $97 per kilowatt of installed capacity (kW). However, much of the escalation in costs occurred in the 1980s. Over the period 1975-87, real O&M costs escalated at an annual rate of about 11 percent. Since then, the annual growth rate in real O&M costs fell to about 1 percent. The research found that the escalation in O&M costs was primarily due to increased regulatory activity by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. More important, there is little evidence that the moderation in the growth in O&M costs was regulatory induced, but instead was due to changes in the economic incentives to improve plant performance.