Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.46, No.26, 9263-9268, 2007
Effects of geometric parameters and operating conditions on granular flow in a modified rotating cone
Experiments were performed to investigate granular flow in a modified rotating cone (MRC). The effects of geometric parameters and operating conditions, such as the cone rotational frequency, feed rate, dimension of overflow gate, and stirrer on the deformation pattern of granular flow, the dynamic holdups, and residence time of particle in the rotating vessel were examined. The results show that the existence of bed behavior as one active zone and one inactive zone is definitive for the granular flow in an MRC without a stirrer. Few particles are exchanged on the active-inactive interface while the cone rotational frequency is maintained during the running course. As the cone rotational frequency increases, the number of particles belonging to the active zone increases first, exhibits a maximum value, and decreases with increasing rotational frequency higher than the maximum value. The critical value of the rotational frequency is nearly independent of feed rate, and decreases with the increase of the dimension of overflow gates. The rotating vessel with a stirrer is helpful to enhance the granular fluidity and mixing rate. The particle holdups of the rotating vessel tend to increase with the increase of feed rate, or with the decrease of cone rotational frequency. The residence time of particles in the active zone is inversely proportional to the feed rate and cone rotational frequency.