Powder Technology, Vol.180, No.3, 321-331, 2008
Residence times in fluidized beds with secondary gas injection
Experiments were carried out to determine the effects of secondary gas injection on the gas residence time and macromixing characteristics in a bubbling fluidized bed. Primary gas is introduced via a bottom distributor plate, while secondary gas is introduced via a fractal injector submerged in the bed. Results indicate that the average residence time decreases only slightly. Calculated overall reactor Peclet numbers indicate that the gas experiences less back-mixing with secondary gas injection. The bubble size was observed to decrease by up to 70%, indicating improved gas-solid contact. Taking this improved contact and plug flow behavior into account, the conversion in a fluidized bed with secondary gas injection is expected to increase significantly, particularly for mass-transfer limited reactions. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords:secondary injection;fluidized bed;residence time distribution;fractal injector;experimental method