AIChE Journal, Vol.54, No.8, 2145-2154, 2008
Simple approximate analytical solution for nonisothermal single-step transformations: Kinetic analysis
We develop a method,lor obtaining the approvimate solwionj r the evolution qf single-stcl) transf rniations unde)- nonisothermal conditions. We have applied it to manY reaction models and obtained very simple analytical e.vpressions for the shape of the corresponding transfbi-mation rate peaks. These analytical..olutions repi-esent a significant simplification oj'the system's description allowing easy cta-vefitting to e.yperiment. A remarkable property is that the evolutions of the translormed fi-action obtained at cl ffi,rent heating rates are identical when time is scaled by a time constant. The accura c), achieved with our method is checked against several reaciion models and d ff,rent temperature dependencies of the transfoi-mation rate constant. It is shown that its accuracy is closclY related with that of the Kissinger method. (c) 2008 American Institute of Chernical Engineers.