Journal of Applied Microbiology, Vol.106, No.3, 1005-1012, 2009
Evaluation of efficacy of disinfectants against Salmonella from the feed industry
To evaluate disinfectants against Salmonella under conditions relevant for the feed industry. A survey on the use of disinfectants in feed industry showed that a range of different types was used. Nine disinfectants, reflecting the most commonly used active ingredients, were tested for bactericidal activity on Salmonella isolated from the feed industry. All disinfectants were efficient against Salmonella in suspension. The bactericidal effect varied considerably between different types of active compounds on bacteria dried on surfaces or grown as biofilm. Tenside-based disinfectants and hypochlorite were found to have low bactericidal activity and the efficiency was significantly reduced when the ratio of amount disinfectant per cell decreased. It was shown that concentrations of 70-80% ethanol were effective against Salmonella. Among the disinfectants tested a product containing 70% ethanol was most efficient followed by Virkon S. Many disinfectants had low bactericidal activity against Salmonella at surfaces while Virkon S and a product containing 70% ethanol were most effective. Another advantage of ethanol-based disinfectants is evaporation of ethanol, resulting in low residual water after use. Use of the disinfectants found to be efficient against surface associated Salmonella, may assist the industry in combating Salmonella.