Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.109, No.5, 3165-3172, 2008
Studies on jute-asphalt composites
The tensile properties of jute make it a suitable raw material for asphalt overlay (A/O) fabric. In this study, the thermal stability of jute under conditions of asphalt overlaying process was investigated and the compatibility of jute with asphalt was assessed through experimentation on jute-asphalt composites under mechanical and hygral loads. Fourier transform infra red (FTIR) spectroscopic study revealed probable chemical bonding between jute and asphalt. The test for ascertaining the capability of asphalt encasement for protecting jute against biodegradation under enzymatic attack was found positive. A 6-month hygral treatment, of the jute-asphalt composite, showed significant increase in modulus of the material. The results indicate that although the strength of jute deteriorates by about 10% under asphalt overlaying condition, the overall tensile behavior of jute fabric-asphalt composite material is considerably superior to that of the pure jute fabric, even under biological and extended hygral loading conditions. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.