Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.113, No.17, 6068-6073, 2009
Surface-Relevant Regulable DNA Toroids Induced by Dopamine
Dopamine (2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylamine) is known as a natural chemical neurotransmitter and is also a cytotoxic and genotoxic molecule for cell apoptosis. In this work, the interaction of DNA with dopamine was investigated. Though the electrostatic interaction of DNA and dopamine was weak in aqueous solution, dopamine condensed circular pBR322 DNA into toroids on the mica surface cooperatively with ethanol. The formed DNA toroids came from the shrinking of DNA that was driven by ethanol-enhanced DNA-dopamine electrostatic interaction. The size of the DNA toroids could be modulated by varying the concentration of dopamine. This study offers useful information about the DNA condensation induced by monovalent cations and the sample preparation for AFM measurement and application. On the other hand, this work provides the potential strategies to prepare morphology and size controllable DNA condensates, which have valuable applications in gene transfection and nanotechnology.