Journal of Power Sources, Vol.194, No.1, 214-219, 2009
In situ Van der Pauw measurements of the Ni/YSZ anode during exposure to syngas with phosphine contaminant
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) represent an option to provide a bridging technology for energy conversion (coal syngas) as well as a long-term technology (hydrogen from biomass). Whether the fuel is coal syngas or hydrogen from biomass, the effect of impurities on the performance of the anode is a vital question. The anode resistivity during SOFC operation with phosphine-contaminated syngas was studied using the in situ Van der Pauw method. Commercial anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells (Ni/YSZ composite anodes, YSZ electrolytes) were exposed to a synthetic coal syngas mixture (H-2, H2O, CO, and CO2) at a constant current and their performance evaluated periodically with electrochemical methods (cyclic voltammetry, impedance spectroscopy, and polarization curves). In one test, after 170 h of phosphine exposure, a significant degradation of cell performance (loss of cell voltage, increase of series resistance and increase of polarization resistance) was evident. The rate of voltage loss was 1.4 mV h(-1). The resistivity measurements on Ni/YSZ anode by the in situ Van der Pauvv method showed that there were no significant changes in anode resistivity both under clean syngas and syngas with 10 ppm PH3. XRD analysis suggested that Ni5P2 and P2O5 are two compounds accumulated on the anode. XPS studies provided support for the presence of two phosphorus phases with different oxidation states on the external anode surface. Phosphorus, in a positive oxidation state, was observed in the anode active layer. Based on these observations, the effect of 10ppm phosphine impurity (or its reaction products with coal syngas) is assigned to the loss of performance of the Ni/YSZ active layer next to the electrolyte, and not to any changes in the thick Ni/YSZ support layer. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.