IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.42, No.10, 1431-1435, 1997
Robust H-2/H-Infinity-State Estimation for Discrete-Time-Systems with Error Variance Constraints
This paper studies the problem of an H-infinity-norm and variance-constrained state estimator design for uncertain linear discrete-time systems. The system under consideration is subjected to time-invariant norm-bounded parameter uncertainties in both the state and measurement matrices. The problem addressed is the design of a gain-scheduled linear state estimator such that, for all admissible measurable uncertainties, the variance of the estimation error of each state is not more than the individual prespecified value, and the transfer function from disturbances to error state outputs satisfies the prespecified H-infinity-norm upper bound constraint, simultaneously. The conditions for the existence of desired estimators are obtained in terms of matrix inequalities, and the explicit expression of these estimators is also derived. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate various aspects of theoretical results.