Advanced Powder Technology, Vol.21, No.2, 131-135, 2010
Drying of thermally-weak organic powder in a centrifugal fluidized bed
The drying characteristics of thermally-weak organic powders of [2,2-Azobisisobutyrinitrile(AIBN) and HIV] were studied in a centrifugal fluidized bed, since any kind of heating and hot gas cannot be employed for the drying of thermally-weak organic powders to prevent from sensitive reaction or decomposition during being dried. It could be a solution to use highly amount of gas in the centrifugal field for the drying of thermally-weak organic powders, which could overcome the limitation of gas velocity for the more efficient drying. The effects of gas velocity, rotational speed of the bed, initial moisture content of the powder, and amount of powder loading on the drying characteristics were determined. The pressure drop in the bed displayed an almost constant value that had a plateau, with increasing gas velocity. The moisture content of the organic powder decreased with an increase in the gas velocity or rotational speed of the bed, however, its variation trend did not change considerably with a variation of feed loading or an initial moisture content within this experimental conditions. The variation of the drying rates with respect to the moisture content was almost linear in the falling rate period. (C) 2009 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.