Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.28, No.2, 563-566, February, 2011
Oxygen removal from nitrogen using YBaCo(2)O(5+δ) adsorbent
The oxygen intake/release behavior of YBaCo(2)O(5+δ) and its application as a medium-temperature (100-600 ℃) adsorbent to oxygen removal in nitrogen purification was investigated. The oxygen content in YBaCo(2)O(5+δ) was varied between 5.46 and 5.0 with the change of the temperature and oxygen partial pressure. This oxygen nonstoichiometry showed good reversibility and the crystal structure of YBaCo(2)O(5+δ) remained stable in the oxygen intake/release process. Results of nitrogen purification experiment show that YBaCo(2)O(5+δ) material is a promising candidate to remove trace oxygen from nitrogen. After being deoxidized at 600 ℃ in nitrogen, 1 kg YBaCo(2)O(5+δ) adsorbent can purify 310 L nitrogen of 98.1% to high-purity nitrogen of over 99.9999% in one cycle.
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