Clean Technology, Vol.16, No.4, 265-271, December, 2010
경유차 매연저감장치에 의해 비활성화된 DOC촉매의 재제조 효과에 관한 연구
A Study on the Effectiveness of Remanufacturing Technology for the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst(DOC) Deactivated by Diesel Exhaust Gas
경유차 매연저감장치에서 비활성화된 디젤산화촉매(DOC)를 대상으로 여러 가지 조건에서 재제조한 후,재제조된 DOC의 일산화탄소(CO)와 탄회수소화합물(TI-lC)의 저감효율과 촉매물성 특성을 분석하여 비활성화된 DOC 촉매에 대한 재제조 효괴를 관찰하였다. 재제조된 DOC촉매에 대한 오염물절 저감성능 평가는 디젤엔진 다이나모 장치를 이용,배기가스를 일부 우회시켜 온도와 공간속도조절이 가능한 촉매반응장치로 수행하였으며, 촉매물성 분석은 광학현미경,EDX, ICP, TGA 그리고 porosimeter를 이용하였다. 연구수행 결과 비활성화된 DOC 촉매를 본 연구에서 적용된 고온배소세정,산성/염기성용액에 의한 초음파세정,세정 후 촉매활성성분 재함침에 의한 재제조를 수행할 경우,재제조된 DOC 촉매의 성능이 신품 성능의 90% 이상으로 회복되는 것을 확인하였으며,광학현미경,EDX,TGA와 ICP등의 분석을 통해 본 연구조건에서의 재제조 과정으로,촉매의 활성 저하 원인이 되었던 각종 불순 성분 대부분이 비활성화된 DOC 촉매로부터 제거되는 것을 확인하였다.
The deactivated diesel oxidation catalyst(DOC) was remanufactured by ultrasonic wave treatment with various solutions, followed by active component re-impregnation. The catalytic performance and surface properties of remanufactured DOC were studied at various remanufacturing conditions. The proper ultrasonicwave cleaning time at various solutions and optimal re-impregnation amounts of active component for the best catalytic performance were investigated. The catalytic performance tests on the conversions of CO and TIIC(total hydrocarbon) were also carried out at various temperatures by catalytic reaction test unit using bypass gas from the diesel engine dynamo system. It was found that the catalytic performance of DOC remanufactured with the high-temperature air washing, ultrasonic wave cleaning at acidiclbasic solutions and active component re-impregnation method was recovered to 90% level of its activity compared to that of the fresh DOC, which was caused by removing the deactivating materials from the surface of the DOC through the analyses of catalyst performance test and their characterization by Optical microscope, EDX, ICP, TGA, and porosimeter.
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