Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.133, No.50, 20634-20643, 2011
Folding of Human Telomerase RNA Pseudoknot Using Ion-Jump and Temperature-Quench Simulations
Globally RNA folding occurs in multiple stages involving chain compaction and subsequent rearrangement by a number of parallel routes to the folded state. However, the sequence-dependent details of the folding pathways and the link between collapse and folding are poorly understood. To obtain a comprehensive picture of the thermodynamics and folding kinetics we used molecular simulations of coarse-grained model of a pseudoknot found in the conserved core domain of the human telomerase (hTR) by varying both temperature (T) and ion concentration (C). The phase diagram in the [T,C] plane shows that the boundary separating the folded and unfolded state for the finite 47-nucleotide system is relatively sharp, implying that from a thermodynamic perspective hTR behaves as an apparent two-state system. However, the folding kinetics following single C-jump or T-quench is complicated, involving multiple channels to the native state. Although globally folding kinetics triggered by T-quench and C-jump are similar, the kinetics of chain compaction are vastly different, which reflects the role of initial conditions in directing folding and collapse. Remarkably, even after substantial reduction in the overall size of hTR, the ensemble of compact conformations are far from being nativelike, suggesting that the search for the folded state occurs among the ensemble of low-energy fluidlike globules. The rate of unfolding, which occurs in a single step, is faster upon C-decrease compared to a jump in temperature. To identify "hidden" states that are visited during the folding process we performed simulations by periodically interrupting the approach to the folded state by lowering C. These simulations show that hTR reaches the folded state through a small number of connected clusters that are repeatedly visited during the pulse sequence in which the folding or unfolding is interrupted. The results from interrupted folding simulations, which are in accord with non-equilibrium single-molecule folding of a large ribozyme, show that multiple probes are needed to reveal the invisible states that are sampled by RNA as it folds. Although we have illustrated the complexity of RNA folding using hTR as a case study, general arguments and qualitative comparisons to time-resolved scattering experiments on Azoarcus group I ribozyme and single-molecule non-equilibrium periodic ion-jump experiments establish the generality of our findings.