Electrophoresis, Vol.33, No.1, 196-210, 2012
CE of inorganic species - A review of methodological advancements over 2009-2010
This article is the seventh in a series examining biannually the methodological developments in the field of CE analysis of inorganic species and covers relevant documents published between January 2009 and December 2010. Following an analysis of the significant accomplishments that have impacted the field in two recent years, a survey of advances in general CE methodology is presented. Subsequently, several notable trends that can be perceived in this well-established field are discussed: the continuing rise of ME and consequent development of suitable detection techniques, most notably contactless conductivity detection, the constant pace of advances in speciation analysis, and an increase in non-analytical CE applications to study complexation and (bio)transformation reactions of metal analytes. A range of recently emerged multi-detection designs, ICP-MS interface devices, and separation systems, for which outpacing work has been conducted, are also brought into focus.