초록 |
In HANARO, there are 11 neutron beam instruments in operation including 3 diffractometers, 3 small angle neutron scattering instruments, a vertical reflectometer, a neutron radiography facility, a neutron irradiation facility, a disc chopper time-of-flight spectrometer and a guide test station. The instruments that are under development or in commissioning are 2 diffractometers, 2 triple axis spectrometers, and a reflectometer. The cold neutrons are available since Sep. 2009. The neutron beams are allocated twice a year and can be requested through hanaro4u.kaeri.re.kr. There are 400 users a year and will be more as more instruments are open to users. The current research interests of the facility are energy storage, polymer, complex fluid, bio materials, and metals. Especially, two small angle neutron scattering instruments are actively used by polymer researchers. The industrial applications are very active with fuel cell, Li-ion battery, and residual stress investigation. |