초록 |
Minicells are small sphere-shaped cells formed by aberrant cell division, which are capable of other cellular processes as well as protein synthesis. However, because bacterial minicells have no chromosomal DNA, there are no bacterial growth and cell division. In this study, we genetically engineered genes related bacterial cytokinesis to increase the formation of minicells. Through increased minicell formation, the improved tolerance was exhibited in the mutant strains, which brings about the enhanced production yield about toxic compounds. Furthermore, the production of membrane-based chemical such as lycopene is improved in minicell-forming mutants whose size is longer than wildtype’s because of abnormal cell division. Based on these characteristics, minicell mutants has great potential as chassis for production of toxic compounds such as isobutanol, isobutyraldehyde, isobutyl acetate and membrane-based product such as lycopene with high production yield. |