초록 |
Thisstudy demonstrates a method for synthesis of amine functionalized and easilysize controllable silica nanoparticles through biomimetic polyamine complex.First, we generate a polyamine nanocomplex composed of polyallylaminehydrochloride (PAH) and phosphate ion (pi) to synthesize silica nanoparticles.The size of polyamine nanocomplex is reversibly adjusted within the range ofabout 50 to 300 nm according to the pH conditions. Amine groups of the PAH inthe nanocomplex catalyzes the condensation reaction of silicic acid. As aresults, silica nanoparticles are synthesized based on nanocomplex in a veryshort time. Finally, we synthesize silica nanoparticles with various sizesaccording to the pH conditions. In the process of synthesizing silicananoparticles, polyamine chains that act as catalysts are incorporated into theinside and surface of the particles, subsequently, amine groups are exposed onthe surface of silica nanoparticles. |