초록 |
Geotextiles to be applied to paved load has been reported its much effect to fatigue failure or the retardation of reflective crack, resistance to plastic deformation, and additional advantage to block percolating water. In general, geotextiles and geocomposites are used on paved road to improve long term stability during service period of road. This research analysed in-suit adaptability of geosynthetics as geocomposits, which can retard reflective crack, to absorb stress from damaged road. From the experimental results, for ultraviolet resistance, it was seem that retention of tensile properties would be 80%. Also, it was seem that geosynthetics of this study would be stable for using as asphalt overlay. For asphalt retention to evaluate hydraulic barrier, it showed 42%~47%. After testing the crack growth rate and service life, the result showed paved road has a twice service life than nonreinforced paved road. |