초록 |
One of representative method for implementing an ambipolar transistor capable of transferring both electrons and holes is using blended of n-type and p-type materials as a channel. However, this blended channel generally involves the degradation issue due to phase separation. In this study, a semi-interpenetrating diphasic network composed of n-type CdSe TpNCs with 60 nm long branchs and p-type P3HT was constructed to fabricate an ambipolar transistor with high stability. The TpNCs easily form a percolation pathway due to long branches of each particles leaving plenty of voids that can be filled with P3HT. The results from SEM and EDS conform that the two materials were uniformly blended. The electrical properties of hybrid film according to the mixing ratio were confirmed by the ion gel transistor. In addition, since the network contains polymer semiconductor, it has an opportunity to develop into a flexible electronic device, and the possibility was confirmed through a tensile test. |