초록 |
A large number of research groups have recently studied the interaction of biomedical materials with biomolecular because are very important as an analytical tool for many biomedical applications. The wettability gradients were produced through corona discharge treatment according to exposing the polymer sheets. DNA is a one-dimensional molecule, made of two complementary strands, coiled around each other as a double helix and held together by hydrogen bonds that connect a linear sequence of complementary pairs of bases. The gradient polyethylene (PE) surface was prepared by a corona treatment with power increase along the PE length, and successively, gradient PE surface was prepared by the reaction of Polyethylenimine (PEI). Then DNA treated using PBS buffer solution on PE surface. True-color fluorescence images were obtained with an Fluorescence Microscope. Acknowledgement : This work was supported by KMOCIE (N11-A08-1402-05-1-3). |