초록 |
FK506 is a 23-membered macrolide which has various biological activities including immunosuppressive and antifungal activities. Because of low FK506 productivity by wild-type Streptomyces tsukubaensis, some previous studies mutated the strain and screened hyper-producer by comparing the inhibition zone of Aspergillus niger. However, this method could not compare FK506 production between hyper-producers because of limited dynamic range. Therefore, we are trying to develop high-throughput FK506-sensitive biosensor using transcription factor MphR. MphR is a repressor protein that is bound to promoter and can be derepressed by binding with macrolide. We constructed an Escherichia coli plasmid system containing mphR gene and MphR-sensitive reporter. By introducing random mutations on mphR gene region and screening the appropriate mutant, it would be possible to develop FK506-sensitive biosensor system that can screen FK506 hyper-producer with small amounts of Streptomyces extract. |