초록 |
Nanoprintlithography has overcome the existing limitations of nanofabrication, whichhave been a major obstacle to the application of metasurfaces. However, the commercializationof metasurfaces requires a one-step fabrication method. A single process fabricationof a metahologram using a nanoparticle-embedded resin was implemented. With thereusability of the intermediate soft mold, metasurfaces can be repeatedlyreproduced with only a single step printing without any additional work. MIBKis mainly used as a solvent for synthesizing nanoparticle composite, but itcauses PDMS, which is used as a soft mold, to swell. This defect in fabricationdue to inflated molds can cause spectral changes, which makes it unreliable todetect through the metasurface that supports the binding state in thecontinuum. Here, to reduce the swelling of the mold, we propose an appropriateformulation using an acrylate ester-based monomer/ketone solvent and replicatethe metasurface more accurately. |