초록 |
The estimation or reconstruction of the unmeasured spatial variables has been widely applied in various scientific and engineering fields, especially for the monitoring systems of safety critical and expensive detectors are required. In this paper, a concept of Virtual Detector Method (VDM) is introduced to enhance the estimation accuracy of the spatially distributed variables without additional cost of detectors. Normally, one can reconstruct the continuous spatial variable by synthesizing the discrete measurements from spatially distributed detectors by Fourier, spline, and/or nonlinear fitting method like neural networks. However, it is not easy to get satisfactory accuracy with limited number of detectors in spatial domain. The objective of this paper is to give a constructive method of applying virtual detectors. The key factor of VDM is to justify the signal from virtual detectors. In this paper, the signal transferred to virtual detectors are extracted from the neighboring real detectors via the correlation specifying the accurate and robust relationships between them. Then the desired continuous form of the measurement can be synthesized via the fitting methods with enhanced accuracy with increased number of detectors.