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Self-assembly has been established by a multitude of experimental methods thatthese organosulfur compounds form stable, well-ordered self assembledmonolayer(SAM) on various metals. SAM has potential applications in many fieldssuch as biosensors, corrosion inhibition, wetting control, optics, displays andbiomolecular of electronic devices. The SAM is also interesting as fundamentalmodel systems of various interfaces phenomena studies such as electrode/electrolyteinterfaces. For the construction of well designed SAM, it is essential to understandthe fine structure and growth process of the SAM. The structures of the SAMhave been studied using various techniques including diffraction methods, scanningtunneling microscopy (STM), atomic force microscopy(AFM) and X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy(XPS). Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics of SAMof peptide for the application of peptide sensor using interaction between porphyrin andoligopeptide. This paper forms part of a comprehensive investigation of the simplestpeptide thiol, cystein, adsorbed from the liquid phases on Au. The focus of the presentwork is directed toward the surface spectroscopic characterization of PSP1(TyrAlaGlyTyrCys) and PSP2(HisAlaSerTyrSerCys) peptides chemisorbed fromthe liquid phase on Au, with a view to elucidating the nature of the adsorptionmechanism, adsorbate bonding, and molecular orientation using XPS and AFM.