연구자 : 양현수 (충남대학교)
No. Article
1 무기산화물 및 이온교환수지에 의한 중금속 이온 분리특성 연구
단철호, 김정호, 양현수
Clean Technology, 12(1), 37, 2006
2 Synthesis and Redox Properties of NiO/NiAl2O4 Oxygen Carriers for Hydrogen-Fueled Chemical-Looping Combustion
Song YW, Lee JB, Park CS, Hwang GJ, Choi SI, Yang HS, Kim YH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(2), 255, 2006
3 Preparation of Na-P1 Zeolite with High Cation Exchange Capacity from Coal Fly Ash
Ryu TG, Ryu JC, Choi CH, Kim CG, Yoo SJ, Yang HS, Kim YH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(3), 401, 2006
4 Redox Characteristics of Various Kinds of Oxygen Carriers for Hydrogen Fueled Chemical-Looping Combustion
Lee JB, Park CS, Choi SI, Song YW, Kim YH, Yang HS
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(1), 96, 2005
5 다공성 석탄회 담체를 이용한 연속류식 고정 생물막 공정의 폐수 처리 특성
류재춘, 김영호, 양현수, 곽두원, 유성준
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16(2), 200, 2005
6 SBA-15에 담지된 전이 금속 촉매상에서 p-Xylene의 불균일 액상 산화반응
김영호, 손용배, 류재춘, 양현수, 전기원, 박상언
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(1), 131, 2004
7 매체 순환식 연소기술을 위한 NiO/AlPO4 산소운반매체의 산화환원 특성
이진배, 송영욱, 최상일, 박주식, 김영호, 양현수
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(2), 200, 2004
8 Characteristics of Porous Ceramic Carriers made from Fly Ash for Immobilization of Microorganisms
Ryu JC, Ryu TG, Yoo SJ, Hwang JY, Kim YH, Yang HS
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(6), 735, 2003
9 Preparation of Microcapsules Containing Phase Change Materials as Heat Transfer Media by In-Situ Polymerization
Choi JK, Lee JG, Kim JH, Yang HS
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 7(6), 358, 2001
10 단계적 연소에 의한 NO(x) 환원 및 저감 특성
한웅, 양현수, 박주식, 최상일
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(5), 533, 2001
11 미분탄의 탈휘발 및 연소시 N-release 특성
한웅, 양현수, 김성완, 박주식, 최상일
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(6), 654, 2001
12 방사선 그라프트 중합법을 통한 중금속 흡착제 제조 및 납 이온 흡착특성
최준규, 양현수, 노영창
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(7), 730, 2001
13 Synthesis of Maleic and Phthalic Anhydrides from the Mixture of Cyclopentene and 1-Pentene
Kim YH, Yang HS
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(3), 357, 2000
14 TiO2(anatase)에 담지된 Vanadium-Phosphorus 산화물 촉매상에서 시클로펜텐의 선택적 산화반응
김영호, 양현수
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(8), 903, 2000
15 Synthesis and Characterization of Organic Semiconductors without Dopants
Yang HS, Ryu H, Lim YM
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 3(1), 1, 1997