검색결과 : 7건
No. Article
1 Temperature-dependent OSL properties of nano-phosphors LiAlO2:C and alpha-Al2O3:C
Agarwal M, Garg SK, Asokan K, Kumar P
Applied Surface Science, 444, 819, 2018
2 Clean hydrogen generation from the electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol inside a proton exchange membrane electrolysis cell (PEMEC): effect of methanol concentration and working temperature
Guenot B, Cretin M, Lamy C
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 45(9), 973, 2015
3 Thermal denaturation of type I collagen vitrified gels
Xia ZY, Calderon-Colon X, Trexler M, Elisseeff J, Guo QY
Thermochimica Acta, 527, 172, 2012
4 Study of n(+) type porous GaAs by photoluminescence spectroscopy: Effect of the etching time on the deep levels
Abdellaoui T, Daoudi M, Bardaoui A, Chtourou R
Applied Surface Science, 256(20), 5946, 2010
5 Current-transport properties of atomic-layer-depo sited ultrathin Al2O3 on GaAs
Lin HC, Ye PD, Wilk GD
Solid-State Electronics, 50(6), 1012, 2006
6 Temperature dependences of surface recombination DC current-voltage characteristics in MOS structures
Chen Z, Jie BB, Sah CT
Solid-State Electronics, 50(9-10), 1532, 2006
7 Electrical characterisation of the gamma and UV irradiated epitaxial 1.2 kV 4H-SiC PiN diodes
Wolborski M, Bakowski M, Klamra W
Materials Science Forum, 457-460, 1487, 2004