1 - 6 |
Complexation mechanism of dextrin with metal hydroxides Raju GB, Holmgren A, Forsling W |
7 - 18 |
On the description of the adhesive contact of spheres with arbitrary interaction potentials Barthel E |
19 - 30 |
Surfactant-polymer interactions : Phase diagram and fusion of vesicle in the didodecyldimethylammonium bromide-poly(ethyleneoxide)-water system Caria A, Regev O, Khan A |
31 - 45 |
Effects of counterions and co-ions on the drainage and stability of liquid films and foams Angarska JK, Tachev KD, Kralchevsky PA, Mehreteab A, Broze G |
46 - 51 |
Evaluation of the distribution function of adsorption site energies based on the Fermi-Dirac's law in a monolayer Park SJ, Donnet JB |
52 - 58 |
Modeling specific heat transient anomalies during permeation of liposomes by water-soluble substances Raudino A, Castelli F |
59 - 65 |
Characteristic proton transport through composite membrane composed of quaternary-amino poly(sulfone) and sulfonated co-poly(styrene and divinylbenzene) Eto R, Tanioka A |
66 - 73 |
Tailoring a brush-type interface favorable for capturing microbial cells Lee W, Furusaki S, Saito K, Sugo T |
74 - 80 |
Demixing in ternary mixed micelles Ghoulam MB, Moatadid N, Graciaa A, Lachaise J, Marion G, Schechter RS |
81 - 85 |
Zeta potential of air bubbles in solutions of binary mixtures of surfactants (monodistributed nonionic/anionic surfactant mixtures) Saulnier P, Bouriat P, Morel G, Lachaise J, Graciaa A |
86 - 94 |
Rheo-optical probing of relaxational phenomena in immiscible polymer blends Van Puyvelde P, Yang H, Mewis J, Moldenaers P |
95 - 103 |
The drag force acting on a small evaporating particle exposed to a high-temperature diatomic gas flow Chen X |
104 - 113 |
Cooperative adsorption of proteins onto hydroxyapatite Luo QL, Andrade JD |
114 - 120 |
The role of pH in the adsorption of citrate ions on hydroxyapatite Lopez-Macipe A, Gomez-Morales J, Rodriguez-Clemente R |
121 - 125 |
Adsorption parameters of Cd(II), Pb(II), and Hg(II) on zirconium(IV) phosphate chemically grafted onto silica gel surface Nagata N, Kubota LT, Bueno MIMS, Peralta-Zamora PG |
126 - 130 |
The influence of the temperature on the parameters of extended Freundlich's isotherm da Rocha MS, Iha K, Faleiros AC, Corat EJ, Suarez-Iha MEV |
131 - 145 |
Kink density and rate of step movement during growth and dissolution of an AB crystal in a nonstoichiometric solution Zhang JW, Nancollas GH |
146 - 154 |
Structural stability effects on adsorption of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme to colloidal silica Tian MH, Lee WK, Bothwell MK, McGuire J |
155 - 160 |
Sorption isotherm analysis of water by hydrophilic polymer composed of different adsorption sites using modified BET equation Gocho H, Tanioka A, Nakajima T |
161 - 171 |
Thermodynamic consideration of mixtures of surfactants in adsorbed films and micelles Aratono M, Villeneuve M, Takiue T, Ikeda N, Iyota H |
172 - 181 |
Impact of aqueous electrolytes on interfacial energy Butkus MA, Grasso D |
182 - 184 |
Rotational diffusion of monodisperse liquid crystal droplets Hsu P, Poulin P, Weitz DA |
185 - 187 |
Preparation and properties of enzyme-immobilized porous polypropylene films Tanioka A, Yokoyama Y, Miyasaka K |
188 - 191 |
Simultaneous measurement of capillary pressure and resistivity using the centrifuge Raghuraman B, Ramakrishnan TS |
192 - 194 |
Dynamics of polymeric solid surfaces treated by oxygen plasma : Plasma-induced increases in surface molecular mobility of polystyrene Murakami T, Kuroda S, Osawa Z |