Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.19, No.6, 729-735, 2006
Prevention and suppression of explosions in gas-air and dust-air mixtures using powder aerosol-inhibitor
The prevention and suppression of explosions is a very topical field of research because annually hundreds of coal mine workers became their victims. In this research a very effective powder "powder for suppression of explosions" ("PSE") for the suppression of explosions has been developed and tested. The experiments on suppression of explosions of a methane-air mixture (MAM) at a laboratory conditions using "PSE"-powder have been carried out. The possibility of lowering the power of coal-dust explosion with the help of a "PSE"-powder has been investigated. The feasibility of almost instantaneous disperse of powders using intentionally created mini-explosions (ammonal) was investigated. The barrel-suppressor of explosion in the experimental adit (tunnel) was studied and the large-scale tests for suppression of MAM-explosions in experimental adit were also subjects of study. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.