Automatica, Vol.72, 131-137, 2016
Subsystem identification of multivariable feedback and feedforward systems
We present a frequency-domain technique for identifying multivariable feedback and feedforward subsystems that are interconnected with a known subsystem. This subsystem identification algorithm uses closed-loop input-output data, but no other system signals are assumed to be measured. In particular, neither the feedback signal nor the outputs of the unknown subsystems are assumed to be measured. We use a candidate-pool approach to identify the feedback and feedforward transfer function matrices, while guaranteeing asymptotic stability of the identified closed-loop transfer function matrix. The main analytic result shows that if the data noise is sufficiently small and the candidate pool is sufficiently dense, then the parameters of the identified feedback and feedforward transfer function matrices are arbitrarily close to the true parameters. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Subsystem identification;Frequency-domain system identification;Closed-loop system identification;Stability;Feedback and feedforward subsystems