Macromolecular Research, Vol.26, No.4, 359-364, April, 2018
Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Ternary Polyamide Copolymer
In this study, the effect of electron beam irradiation on the thermal and mechanical properties of ternary polyamide copolymer (tPA) was investigated. The crosslinking of tPA induced by e-beam irradiation was carried out over a range of dose from 50 to 300 kGy with triallyl cyanurate (TAC), triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC), and N,N′-m-phenylene dismaleimide (HVA-2) as crosslinking co-agents. With increasing dose, the gel contents of tPA containing the co-agents increased more significantly than neat tPA. After the addition of 2.5 phr HVA-2 into tPA and the electron beam irradiation of 150 kGy, the gel content of tPA increased from 11% to 77%, which has a profound influence on the tensile strength, glass transition temperature, and thermal stability of tPA.
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