Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.30, No.4, 160-168, April, 2020
고전류밀도 구리도금공정에서 알시안블루(Alcian Blue) 농도와 기계적 특성과의 상관관계
Relationship between Concentration of Alcian Blue and Mechanical Properties on High Current Density Copper Electroplating
The current density in copper electroplating is directly related with the productivity; then, to increase the productivity, an increase in current density is required. This study is based on an analysis of changes in surface characteristics and mechanical properties by applying the addition of Alcian Blue (AB, C56H68Cl4CuN16S4). The amount of Alcian Blue in the electrolytes is changed from 0 to 100 ppm. When Alcian Blue is added at 20 ppm, a seed layer is formed homogeneously on the surface at the initial stage of nucleation. However, crystals electroplated in electrolytes with more than 40 ppm of Alcian Blue are observed to have growth in the vertical direction on the surface and the shapes are like pyramids. This tendency of initial nucleation formation causes protrusions when the thickness of copper foil is 12 μm. Thereafter, a lot of extrusions are observed on the group of 100 ppm Alcian Blue. Tensile strength of groups with added Alcian Blue increased by more than 140% compare to no-addition group, but elongation is reduced. These results are due to the decrease of crystal size and changes of prior crystal growth plane from (111) and (200) to (220) due to Alcian Blue.
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