Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.109, 21-51, May, 2022
Recent progress and growth in biosensors technology: A critical review
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Crucial exploitation of biosensors has attained dominant significance in the meadow of drug innovation, drug identification, bio-remedy, food protection principles, security, protection, and ecological examination. It has direct to the innovation of specific and authoritative diagnostic tools that employ biological sensing elements as biosensors. Glucometers employ oxygen or hydrogen peroxide electrochemical recognition utilizing immobilized glucose oxidase electrodes, showing biosensors’ invention. Current advances in biological methods and instrumentation relating to fluorescence tags to nano-materials have increased the responsive limit of biosensors. The use of aptamers or nucleotides, antibodies, peptide arrays, and molecule imprinted polymers offer tools to build up novel biosensors over the classical method. Integrated methods offer an improved perception for a buildup of precise and responsive biosensors with high regenerative potentials. Various biosensors ranging from nanomaterials polymers to microbes have more comprehensive potential applications. Combining multifaceted approaches to design biosensors that comprise the prospective for different usage is reasonably significant. In light of this, this review provides an overview of different types of biosensors being used, ranging from electrochemical and fluorescence tagged, nanomaterials, silica or quartz, and microbes for various biomedical and environmental applications with the future outlook of biosensor technology.
Keywords:Biosensor;Healthcare;Coronavirus;Aptamers;Optical fiber;Piezoelectric;Drug Delivery;Agriculture
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