Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.12, No.4, 449-454, June, 2001
에틸렌글리콜 첨가에 의한 LiBr계 흡수 용액의 증기 흡수 성능 향상 효과
Effect of Ethylene Glycol Addition on Vapor Absorption Enhancement of Working Fluids in a LiBr/H2O Absorption Chiller
흡수식 냉방기에서 증기 흡수용액으로 사용되고 있는 LiBr+H2O 용액의 성능 향상을 위하여 LiBr+LiNO3+LiCl+H2O 용액에 에틸렌글리콜을 무게비로 5% 첨가하여 용해도, 증기압을 측정하였다. 에틸렌글리콜 첨가효과를 측정한 결과 에틸렌글리콜을 첨가하지 않은 경우와 비교하여 용해도가 상승하고 증기압은 저하되었다. 수직관 흡수기에서 LiBr+H2O, LiBr+LiNO3+LiCl+H2O 용액에 에틸렌글리콜을 첨가하여 증기흡수능력을 시험한 결과 무첨가 시와 비교하여 증기 흡수능력이 약 10 ~ 15% 향상되었다. LiBr+H2O 용액의 에틸렌글리콜 최적 첨가량은 무게비로 5 ~ 10% 범위인 것으로 나타났다.
Solubility and vapor pressure of LiBr+LiNO3+LiCl+H2O solution with 5wt% of ethylene glycol were measured. The addition of ethylene glycol was to enhance the performance of LiBr+H2O solution, which is commonly used as the vapor absorbent in an absorption chiller. Experimental results shewed that the solubility was increased and the vapor pressure was lowered compare to the case without ethylene glycol. The effect of ethylene glycol on the vapor absorption were tested in both LiBr+H2O and LiBr+LiNO3+LiCl+H2O solutions under the same conditions.The experimetal data showed that the vapor absorption performance was enhanced from 10 to 15% in both LiBr+H2O and LiBr+LiNO3+LiCl+H2O solutions by adding 5 wt% of ethylene glycol. The optimal ethylene glycol to LiBr+H2O solution was in the range of 5 to 10 wt%
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