HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.40, No.2, 246-251, April, 2002
IGCC용 유동층 고온건식탈황공정에서 Zinc-Titanate 탈황제의 100시간 연속운전 성능실험
Continuous Operation of Zinc-Titanate Sorbent for 100 Hours in a Fluidized Hot Gas Desulfurization Process for IGCC
벤치규모의 고온건식탈황 유동층공정의 연속운전을 탈황제의 장기 반응성, 내마모성, 공정의 신뢰성을 확보하기 위하여 수행하였다. 분무건조법에 의하여 제조된 zinc-titanate 탈황제를 사용하였으며, 반응기 압력은 5기압, 황화반응온도 600 ℃, 재생반응온도 700 ℃로 유지하였고, 두 유동층 반응기 사이의 탈황제의 고체순환은 안정적이었다. 환원성 연료 가스중에 7,700 ppm의 H2S가 황화반응기를 통과한 후 가스중의 황화합물 배출농도를 100시간동안 40 ppm미만으로 연속적으로 유지하였다. 두 유동층 반응기에서의 반응과 비산유출 특성을 밝히기 위하여 입자의 밀도, 황성분, SEM, 수은기공분석, BET, 입도분포 등의 분석이 이루어졌다.
Continuous operation was performed at high pressure and high temperature to see the long-term reactivity and the attrition resistance of the sorbent, the reliability of the process in a bench-scale KIER fluidized hot gas desulfurization process. A spray dried sorbent consisting of zinc-oxide and titanium oxide was used. The pressure was maintained at 5 atm, the temperatures were 600 ℃ in a desulfurizer and 700 ℃ in the the regenerator. Solids were circulated continuously and stably between two fluidized reactors at high pressure. The H2S concentration at exit was consistently maintained for 100 hours below 40 ppmv for a simulated coal gas containing 7,700 ppm H2S. The analysis of solid samples, such as densities, sulfur content, SEM, Mercury pore analysis, BET, size distribution, were contributed to uncover the characteristics of reactions and entrainment in two fluidized bed reactors
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