HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.41, No.6, 781-787, December, 2003
스코리아를 담체로 한 Biofilter에서 Benzene 제거 특성
Removal Characteristics of Benzene in the Biofilter Packed with Scoria
제주도 스코리아를 충전한 바이오필터에서 기상 benzene의 생물분해능을 조사하였다. Benzene분해 미생물 균주는 Bacillus sp.를 사용하였다. 회분식 실험 결과로부터 benzene에 대한 Bacillus sp의 비증식 속도는 0.037 hr-1로 얻어졌다. 연속식 바이오필터 운전에서 benzene의 유입농도가 600 ppmv일 때 공탑접촉시간 (EBCT)가 20 sec 이상에서는 거의 100% 제거되었으며, EBCT를 10 sec로 낮추더라도 제거효율은 90%이상 유지되었다. Benzene에 대한 최대 제거용량은 720 g/m3·hr이었다. 약 200일 동안 연속 운전하였으나 전체적으로 드레인수의 pH는 6-7로 거의 일정하게 유지되었으며, 압력 강하는 평균 5 mm H2O로 낮은 압력 강하를 보였다. 층 깊이에 따른 benzene의 농도 변화는 1차 반응 모델식을 만족하였다.
The biodegradation of benzene vapor in the biofilter packed with scoria, which was from Jeju island, was investigated. Bacillus sp. was used as a benzene oxidizer. Batch experiment results showed that the specific growth rate of Bacillus species was 0.037 hr-1 for benzene. In the continuous biofilter operation, the empty bed contact time (EBCT) was changed from 5 to 60 sec with a fixed concentration of benzene at 600 ppmv. At the EBCTs up to 20 sec, the removal efficiency was over 99.9%. When the EBCT was further reduced to 10 and 5 sec, the removal efficiency decreased to 90% and 45%, respectively. The maximum capacity of benzene was 720 g/m3·hr. During the 200 days operation, the biofilter gave a stable removal efficiency such that the pH of a drain water was maintained at 6-7 and the pressure drop was about 5 mmH2O. The results for the benzene vapor concentration with respect to filter height followed the first order kinetics.
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