Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.9, No.6, 775-786, November, 2003
Reaction Kinetics Modeling of Combustion or Pyrolysis on Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
In order to utilize incineration more effectively, and to better assess the applicability and limitation of the incineration process, the chemical kinetic steps involved in chlorinated hydrocarbon combustion must be understood in detail. We demonstrated the several techniques used on the formalism of the reaction mechanism and discussed the methodology on the oxidative/pyrolytic reaction pathway of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Also, we analyzed the elementary reaction rate constants, which are pressure dependent that are reported in the literature from measurements at other pressures, as well as our estimated rate constants for applying of modeling. A detailed reaction mechanism containing 59 species and 202 elementary reactions for the thermal decomposition of CH2CCl2 reaction system in excess hydrogen atmosphere was assembled. The model was used to compare calculated concentrations with experimental values and agreement was satisfactory for major species.
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