설용건 공저 논문
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Poly(ether imide) nanofibrous web composite membrane with SiO2/heteropolyacid ionomer for durable and high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells Lee CM, Na HS, Jeon YK, Hwang HJ, Kim HJ, Mochida I, Yoon SH, Park JI, Shul YG Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 74, 7, 2019 |
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The particle size effect of N-doped mesoporous carbons as oxygen reduction reaction catalysts for PEMFC Byambasuren U, Jeon Y, Altansukh D, Ji Y, Shul YG Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 33(6), 1831, 2016 |
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Solvent screening for the separation of ethylbenzene and p-xylene by extractive distillation Jeon Y, Row SW, Lee G, Park SS, Seo YJ, Chu YH, Shul YG Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(10), 1824, 2014 |
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MFI형 제올라이트 분리막을 이용한 에틸벤젠/파라자일렌 분리에 대한 연구 이기천, 전유권, 주영환, 최성환, 서영종, 설용건 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 51(4), 476, 2013 |
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Catalytic activity and characterization of V2O5/γ-Al2O3 for ammoxidation of m-xylene system Jeon Y, Row SW, Dorjgotov A, Lee SD, Oh K, Shul YG Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(8), 1566, 2013 |
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N-doped anodic titania nanotube arrays for hydrogen production Park SS, Eom SM, Anpo M, Seo DH, Jeon Y, Shul Y Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(5), 1196, 2011 |
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Effect of oligomer on dye-sensitized solar cells employing polymer electrolytes Ahn SH, Kim HW, Lee SH, Chi WS, Choi JR, Shul YG, Kim JH Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(1), 138, 2011 |
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Physical degradation of MEA in PEM fuel cell by on/off operation under nitrogen atmosphere Seo D, Park S, Jeon Y, Choi SW, Shul YG Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(1), 104, 2010 |
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Nanocomposite proton conducting membranes based on amphiphilic PVDF graft copolymer Roh DK, Choi JK, Koh JK, Shul YG, Kim JH Macromolecular Research, 18(3), 271, 2010 |
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Preparation of silica-based proton conductors for intermediate temperature fuel cells Seo D, Park S, Shul YG Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(4), 1016, 2009 |
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Proton Conducting Crosslinked Membranes by Polymer Blending of Triblock Copolymer and Poly(vinyl alcohol) Lee DK, Park JT, Choi JK, Roh DK, Lee JH, Shul YG, Kim JH Macromolecular Research, 16(6), 549, 2008 |
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Effect of wafer resistivity and HF concentration on the formation of vertically aligned porous silicon Lee Y, Lee J, Shul Y, Lim S Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(1), 105, 2008 |
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Preparation of TiO2/SiO2 hollow spheres and their activity in methylene blue photodecomposition Kim HR, Choi KY, Shul YG Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(4), 596, 2007 |
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폴리카보네이트 멤브레인 표면의 불소화 개질에 의한 물 투과도 변화 민광준, 설용건, 전명석, 김홍곤 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 41(6), 722, 2003 |
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Green-emitting Yttrium Silicate Phosphor Particles Prepared by Large Scale Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Kang HS, Kang YC, Park HD, Shul YG Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(5), 930, 2003 |
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고분자 전구체 용액으로부터 분무열분해법에 의해 합성되어진 구형 형상의 Y 2 SiO 5 :Ce 형광체 강희상, 강윤찬, 박희동, 설용건 Korean Journal of Materials Research, 13(3), 180, 2003 |
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Preparation of PAN-zeolite 4A Composite Ion Exchanger and its Uptake Behavior for Sr and Cs Ions in Acid Solution Moon JK, Jung CH, Lee EH, Kim HT, Shul YG Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(5), 838, 2002 |
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제올라이트를 이용한 Polyacrylonitrile의 합성 황덕근, 정경택, 설용건 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(8), 745, 2002 |
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Formation of Zeolite A Film on Metal Substrates by Microwave Heating Baek D, Hwang UY, Lee KS, Shul Y, Koo KK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 7(4), 241, 2001 |
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알칼리이온이 치환된 제올라이트 상에서의 o-Xylene의 알케닐화 반응 김전태, 조영상, 설용건, 김영대 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(3), 279, 2001 |
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혼합용매에 의한 Polycarbonate 의 결정화 황덕근, 이창엽, 설용건 Polymer(Korea), 25(6), 811, 2001 |
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Photocatalytic Activity of Metal Ion (Fe or W) Doped Titania Lee SS, Kim HJ, Jung KT, Kim HS, Shul YG Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(6), 914, 2001 |
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Performance of Ceramic Composite Membrane for the Separation of VOCs Kim HJ, Yang JC, Jung KT, Shul YG, Chun KY, Han HS, Joe YI, Kim YW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(5), 662, 2001 |
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단사정계와 정방정계 나노 지르코니아의 제조 및 표면특성화에 관한 연구 정경택, 설용건, Alex TB Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(7), 806, 2001 |
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나노크기의 지르코니아를 이용한 메탄올/이산화탄소로부터 디메틸카보네이트 합성에 관한 FT-IR 연구 정경택, 설용건, Bell AT, 김현종 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(7), 814, 2001 |
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Photocatalytic Decomposition of NO on Transition Metal Ion-exchanged Zeolite Catalysts Anpo M, Matsuoka M, Yamashita H, Ju WS, Park SE, Shul YG Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 6(3), 133, 2000 |
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Design and Development of Titanium and Vanadium OXide Photocatalysts Incoroprated within Zeolite Cavities and their Photocatalytic Reactivities Anpo M, Yamashita H, Matsuoka M, Park DR, Shul YG, Park SE Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 6(2), 59, 2000 |
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Potassium Titanate를 이용한 Sr과 Cs 이온 혼합용액의 이온교환 거동 문제권, 김형태, 설용건, 이일희, 유재형 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(6), 847, 2000 |
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다공성 Al2O3관에 고정된 TiO2를 이용한 기상 아세트알데히드의 광촉매 분해 조성민, 양재춘, 김현종, 설용건, 전명석, 이태규 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(5), 567, 2000 |
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열저장을 위한 sodium acetate trihydrate 및 stearic acid의 core 제조와 캡슐화 윤우석, 설용건, 김종국, 주현규, 전명석, 이태규 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(5), 725, 2000 |
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나노크기의 Fe/Ti 혼합광촉매의 제조 및 가시광선 활용 타당성 조사 윤우석, 설용건, 주현규, 전명석, 이태규 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(4), 451, 2000 |
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졸-겔 가압코팅법을 이용한 TiO2복합막의 제조 및 기체 투과특성에 관한 연구 전경용, 김정훈, 한준영, 설용건, 조영일 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(4), 491, 2000 |
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나노크기의 Mo/Ti 혼합광촉매 제조 및 특성조사 윤우석, 설용건, 주현규, 전명석, 이태규 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(3), 343, 2000 |