
신치범 공저 논문

No. Article
1 리튬이온전지의 사이클 수명 모델링
이재우, 이동철, 신치범, 이소연, 오승미, 우중제, 장일찬
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 59(3), 393, 2021
2 리튬 이온 폴리머 전지의 사이클 수명 모델링
김의성, 이정빈, 이재신, 신치범, 최제훈, 이석범
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 47(3), 344, 2009
3 배출량산정모델과 다중매질모델링을 이용한 환경오염물질의 노출평가 및 위해도 평가
김종호, 곽병규, 신치범, 전원진, 이종협
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 47(2), 248, 2009
4 Speed-up of the disaggregation of emission inventories and increased resolution of disaggregated maps using landuse data
Kim JH, Kwak BK, Shin CB, Park HS, Choi K, Lee SM, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(6), 1620, 2009
5 Effects of preparation methods for V2O5-TiO2 aerogel catalysts on the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3
Kang M, Choi JS, Kim YT, Park ED, Shin CB, Suh DJ, Yie JE
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(3), 884, 2009
6 Fabrication of Multicomponent Protein Microarrays with Microfluidic Devices of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)
Jeon SH, Kim US, Jeon WJ, Shin CB, Hong SR, Choi IH, Lee SS, Yi JH
Macromolecular Research, 17(3), 192, 2009
7 Analysis of the distribution of lead concentration under steady state conditions in urban multimedia environment
Jeon WJ, Shin CB, Kim JH, Kwak BK, Yi JH, Lee JH, Lee WG, Lee SW, Park HS
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(6), 1401, 2008
8 차량용 12-V 납축전지의 충·방전 모델링
김의성, 전세훈, 전원진, 신치범, 정승면, 김성태
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(3), 242, 2007
9 Comparison of atomic scale etching of poly-Si in inductively coupled Ar and He plasmas
Yun HJ, Kim TH, Shin CB, Kim CK, Min JH, Moon SH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(4), 670, 2007
10 고밀도 플라즈마 발생장치 2차원 모델링
이상덕, 신치범, Berezhnoj S
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(1), 23, 2001
11 전기자동차의 축전지의 열적 특성 모델링
윤창연, 신치범, 양철남, 박성용, Berezhnoj SV
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(5), 603, 2000