연구자 : 박영옥 (한국에너지기술연구원)
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HCl removal characteristics of calcium hydroxide at the dry-type sorbent reaction accelerator using municipal waste incinerator flue gas at a real site Kim KD, Jeon SM, Hasolli N, Lee KS, Lee JR, Han JW, Kim HT, Park YO Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34(3), 747, 2017 |
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Experimental Study on Hydrogen Direct Reduction of Hematite in a Lab Scale Fluidized Bed Reactor by Estimating the Gas Consumption Rate Hasolli N, Jeon SM, Park YO, Kim YH Clean Technology, 21(2), 96, 2015 |
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Filtration performance characteristics of ceramic candle filter based on inlet structure of high-temperature and high-pressure dust collectors Lee KS, Sohn JR, Park YO Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 21, 101, 2015 |
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Removal characteristics of nitrogen oxide of high temperature catalytic filters for simultaneous removal of fine particulate and NOx Park YO, Lee KW, Rhee YW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(1), 36, 2009 |
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촉매필터를 이용한 먼지 및 HVOC 제거 특성 연구 정순관, 박영옥 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(1), 80, 2008 |
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마이크로-필터 상에 소결 처리된 금속 나노입자 고착에 의한 나노기공체 금속 필터 개발 이동근, 박석주, 박영옥, 류정인 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(2), 397, 2008 |
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마이크론 금속섬유 필터에서 탄소나노튜브의 직접 성장에 의한 나노구조체 합성 및 여과성능 이동근, 박석주, 박영옥, 류정인 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(3), 264, 2007 |
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마이크로-필터 상에 금속 나노입자 코팅에 의한 나노구조 기공층 멤브레인 필터 개발 이동근, 박석주, 박영옥, 류정인 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(6), 591, 2007 |
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Simulation of Particle Deposition on Filter Fiber in an External Electric Field Park HS, Park YO Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(2), 303, 2005 |
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Filtration Properties of Electrospun Ultrafine Fiber Webs Park HS, Park YO Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(1), 165, 2005 |
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원심력이 적용된 여과포 집진장치에서 유동장 및 입자 거동 특성 김상도, 손재익, 박영옥, 정동규, 강용 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 42(3), 318, 2004 |
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유입구 위치에 따른 세라믹 캔들 필터 집진장치 내의 입자거동 수치해석 박석주, 박영옥 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 42(5), 577, 2004 |
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접선유입방식 하이브리드형 여과집진장치의 특성 김상도, 박영옥, 강용 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(6), 625, 2004 |
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Physical, Chemical and Electrical Analysis of Dust Generated from Cement Plants for Dust Removal with an Electrostatic Precipitator Ahn YC, Cho JM, Kim GT, Cha SR, Lee JK, Park YO, Kim SD, Lee SH Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(1), 182, 2004 |
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Particle Size Effect on the Filtration Drag of Fly Ash from a Coal Power Plant Choi JH, Ha SJ, Bak YC, Park YO Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(6), 1085, 2002 |
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The Effect of Particle Shape on the Pressure Drop across the Dust Cake Choi JH, Ha SJ, Park YO Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(4), 711, 2002 |
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A Study on the Characteristics of Improvement in Filtration Performance by Dust Precharging Choi HK, Park SJ, Lim JH, Kim SD, Park HS, Park YO Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(2), 342, 2002 |
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촉매 코팅방법에 따른 기능성여과포의 NO 제거 반응 특성 강민필, 송윤섭, 이효송, 김상도, 박영옥, 황택성, 이영우 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 40(6), 725, 2002 |
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접선유입방식 여과포 집진장치에서 내통이 유동장 및 입자거동에 미치는 영향 박석주, 최호경, 김상도, 박영옥 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(4), 438, 2001 |
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소결금속섬유필터의 기초 성능 특성 박영옥, 김상도, 서정민, 박석주, 최호경, 박현설, 임정환, 손재익 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(4), 446, 2001 |
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The Preparation of V2O5/TiO2 Catalyst Supported on the Ceramic Filter Candle for Selective Reduction of NO Choi JH, Kim SK, Ha SJ, Park YO Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(4), 456, 2001 |
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Development and Evaluation of Multilayer Air Filter Media Park YO, Park HS, Park SJ, Kim SD, Choi HK, Lim JH Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(6), 1020, 2001 |
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Demonstration of a KIER-Type CYBAGFILTER System at the Clinker Calcination Process Park YO, Kim SD, Son JE, Rhee YW, Choi WS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(5), 579, 2000 |