1 - 5 |
Crystal growth, optical and luminescence properties of Na6Mo11O36 single crystal Pandey IR, Karki S, Kim HJ, Lee MH, Kim YD |
6 - 10 |
Selective area molecular beam epitaxy of InSb nanostructures on mismatched substrates Desplanque L, Bucamp A, Troadec D, Patriarche G, Wallart X |
11 - 15 |
Buffer free InGaAs quantum well and in-plane nanostructures on InP grown by atomic hydrogen assisted MBE Bucamp A, Coinon C, Codron JL, Troadec D, Wallart X, Desplanque L |
16 - 19 |
Quantitative evaluation of strain relaxation in annealed sputter-deposited AlN film Tanaka S, Shojiki K, Uesugi K, Hayashi Y, Miyake H |
20 - 32 |
Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the alloying and grain refinement efficiency of a Mg - Zr master alloy added to magnesium at hypo- and hyper-peritectic compositions Nagasivamuni B, Wang G, StJohn DH, Dargusch MS |
33 - 36 |
Real-time structural analysis of InGaAs/InAs/GaAs(111)A interfaces by in situ synchrotron X-ray reciprocal space mapping Sasaki T, Takahasi M |
37 - 40 |
Estimation of Ga adatom diffusion length for GaP growth by molecular beam epitaxy Piedra-Lorenzana JA, Yamane K, Shiota K, Fujimoto J, Tanaka S, Sekiguchi H, Okada H, Wakahara A |
41 - 46 |
Growth mode in heteroepitaxial system from nano- and macro-theoretical viewpoints Ito T, Akiyama T, Nakamura K |
47 - 60 |
Effect of zero, normal and hyper-gravity on columnar dendritic solidification and the columnar-to-equiaxed transition in Neopentylglycol-(D)Camphor alloy Zimmermann G, Hamacher M, Sturz L |
61 - 64 |
Mid-infrared type-I InAs/In0.83Al0.17As quantum wells grown on GaP and InP by gas source molecular beam epitaxy Huang WG, Gu Y, Chen XY, Zhang J, Gong Q, Huang H, Ma YJ, Zhang YG |
65 - 68 |
Reduced radial resistivity variation of FZ Si wafers with Advanced NTD Lei A, Graesvaenge M, Hindrichsen C |
69 - 73 |
Metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxial growth simulation to realize high-quality and high-In-content InGaN alloys Ohkawa K, Ichinohe F, Watanabe T, Nakamura K, Iida D |
74 - 77 |
Sublattice reversal in GaAs/Ge/GaAs and AlAs/Ge/AlAs heterostructures grown on (113)A and (113)B GaAs substrates Lu XM, Minami Y, Kitada T |
78 - 83 |
Effect of substrate misorientation on the concentration of impurities and surface morphology of an epitaxial GaN layer on N-polar GaN substrate by MOVPE Nagamatsu K, Ando Y, Kono T, Cheong H, Nitta S, Honda Y, Pristovsek M, Amano H |
84 - 89 |
Optimization of In0.6Ga0.4As/InAs electron barrier for In0.74Ga0.26As detectors grown by molecular beam epitaxy Zhang J, Chen XY, Ma YJ, Gong Q, Shi YH, Yang NN, Huang H, He GX, Gu Y, Zhang YG |
90 - 95 |
Relationship of the shape and size between etch pits and corresponding Te inclusions in CdZnTe crystals Zhang JJ, Zhu LH, Sun SW, Yu HX, Xu C, Yang JR |
96 - 99 |
Investigation of the n-side structures of II-VI compound semiconductor optical devices on InP substrates Ishii K, Amagasu R, Nomura I |
100 - 104 |
Nonpolar m-plane AlxGa1-xN layers grown on m-plane sapphire by MOVPE Dinh DV, Amano H, Pristovsek M |
105 - 111 |
Crystallization process and growth mechanism for hexagonal prism of strontium hydroxyapatite by urea hydrolysis Huang JS, Huang ZL, Yao DH, Wu CS, Cheng YL, Wu FJ |
112 - 118 |
Effects of film thickness and annealing on the magnetic properties of GaMnAsP ferromagnetic semiconductor Chang J, Choi S, Lee KJ, Bac SK, Choi S, Chongthanaphisut P, Lee S, Liu XY, Dobrowolska M, Furdyna JK |
119 - 123 |
Reduction in residual impurities in semi-polar (3 0 (3)over-bar (1)over-bar) and (2 0 (2)over-bar (1)over-bar) GaN grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy Yamada H, Chonan H, Yamada T, Shimizu M |
124 - 130 |
Epitaxial growth of Cu2O on Cu substrate - A combinatorial substrate approach Yeh HH, Wen MC, Chang L, Ploog KH, Chou MMC |
131 - 135 |
Curvature-controllable and crack-free AlN/sapphire templates fabricated by sputtering and high-temperature annealing Hayashi Y, Tanigawa K, Uesugi K, Shojiki K, Miyake H |
136 - 141 |
Anti-phase domain induced morphological differences of self-assembled InSb/GaAs quantum dots grown on (001) Ge substrate Zon, Thainoi S, Kiravittaya S, Tandaechanurat A, Nuntawong N, Sopitpan S, Yordsri V, Thanachayanont C, Kanjanachuchai S, Ratanathammaphan S, Panyakeow S |
142 - 146 |
Stabilization of sputtered AlN/sapphire templates during high temperature annealing Hagedorn S, Walde S, Mogilatenko A, Weyers M, Cancellara L, Albrecht M, Jaeger D |
147 - 151 |
Characterization of high-quality relaxed flat InGaN template fabricated by combination of epitaxial lateral overgrowth and chemical mechanical polishing Okada N, Inomata Y, Ikeuchi H, Fujimoto S, Itakura H, Nakashima S, Kawamura R, Tadatomo K |
152 - 158 |
High temperature molten flux growth, structural and optical characteristics of KTiOPO4:Ho and KTiOPO4:Er single crystals Sadhasivam S, Perumal RN |
159 - 163 |
Molecular beam epitaxial growth of interdigitated quantum dots for heterojunction solar cells Chevuntulak C, Rakpaises T, Sridumrongsak N, Thainoi S, Kiravittaya S, Nuntawong N, Sopitpan S, Yordsri V, Thanachayanont C, Kanjanachuchai S, Ratanathammaphan S, Tandaechanurat A, Panyakeow S |
164 - 168 |
Molecular beam epitaxy growth and temperature-dependent electrical characterization of carbon-doped GaAs on GaAs(111)B Henksmeier T, Shvarkov S, Trapp A, Reuter D |
169 - 175 |
Anomalous tilting in InGaAs graded buffers from dislocation sources at wafer edges Mukherjee K, Vaisman M, Callahan PG, Lee ML |
176 - 180 |
Noncollinear magnetoresistance of trilayers consisting of two ferromagnetic GaMnAs layers and a nonmagnetic GaAs:Be spacer Lee S, Lee KJ, Choi S, Bac SK, Chang J, Choi S, Chongthanaphisut P, Lee S, Liu XY, Dobrowolska M, Furdyna JK |
181 - 188 |
Growth and characterization of diphenylmethanol single crystal by vertical Bridgman technique for second and third order nonlinear optical applications Arivazhagan T, Vinitha G, Rajesh NP |
189 - 193 |
Pursuit of single domain ZnTe layers on sapphire substrates Kobayashi M |
194 - 197 |
Epitaxial growth of Co2FeSi/MgO/GaAs(001) heterostructures using molecular beam epitaxy Hoffmann G, Jenichen B, Herfort J |
198 - 202 |
Study on Raman spectroscopy of InSb nano-stripes grown on GaSb substrate by molecular beam epitaxy and their Raman peak shift with magnetic field Lekwongderm P, Chumkaew R, Thainoi S, Kiravittaya S, Tandaechanurat A, Nuntawong N, Sopitpan S, Yordsri V, Thanachayanont C, Kanjanachuchai S, Ratanathammaphan S, Panyakeow S |
203 - 207 |
Interface modification in type-II ZnCdSe/Zn(Cd)Te QDs for high efficiency intermediate band solar cells Deligiannakis V, Dhomkar S, Claro MS, Kuskovsky IL, Tamargo MC |
208 - 212 |
Nitrogen-rich growth for device quality N-polar InGaN/GaN quantum wells by plasma-assisted MBE Turski H, Feduniewicz-Zmuda A, Sawicka M, Reszka A, Kowalski B, Krysko M, Wolny P, Smalc-Koziorowska J, Siekacz M, Muziol G, Nowakowski-Szukudlarek K, Grzanka S, Skierbiszewski C |
213 - 218 |
Deep-UV emission at 260 nm from MBE-grown AlGaN/AlN quantum-well structures Yang WX, Zhao YK, Wu YY, Li XF, Xing ZW, Bian LF, Lu SL, Luo MC |
219 - 222 |
Droplet etching with indium - Intermixing and lattice mismatch Zocher M, Heyn C, Hansen W |
223 - 229 |
Molecular beam epitaxy, atomic layer deposition, and multiple functions connected via ultra-high vacuum Lin KY, Wan HW, Chen KHM, Fanchiang YT, Chen WS, Lin YH, Cheng YT, Chen CC, Lin HY, Young LB, Cheng CP, Pi TW, Kwo J, Hong M |
230 - 240 |
Extension of Jackson-Hunt analysis for curved solid-liquid interfaces Nani ES, Nestler B |