

Desalination, Vol.222, No.1-3 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0011-9164 (Print) 

In this Issue (78 articles)

1 - 8 Application of flotation as a pretreatment process during desalination
Peleka EN, Matis KA
9 - 16 Pilot test of UF pretreatment prior to RO for cooling tower blowdown reuse of power plant
Zhang JD, Zeng HM, Ye CS, Chen L, Yan XX
17 - 23 The sensitivity of SDI analysis: from RO feed water to raw water
Mosset A, Boonnelye V, Petry M, Sanz MA
24 - 37 Pretreatment for desalination of seawater from an open intake by dual-media filtration: Pilot testing and comparison of two different media
Mitrouli ST, Yiantsios SG, Karabelas AJ, Mitrakas M, Follesdal M, Kjolseth PA
38 - 49 Chlorination and coagulation as pretreatments for greywater desalination
Friedler E, Katz I, Dosoretz CG
50 - 58 The potential of CO2 stripping for pretreating brackish and wastewater desalination feeds
Lisitsin D, Hasson D, Semiat R
59 - 65 UF/MF as RO pre-treatment: the real benefit
Bonnelye V, Guey L, Del Castillo J
66 - 73 UF/MF pre-treatment to RO in seawater and wastewater reuse applications: a comparison of energy costs
Pearce GK
74 - 80 Effect of pretreatment by permanganate/chlorine on algae fouling control for ultrafiltration (UF) membrane system
Heng L, Yanling YL, Weijia GJ, Xing L, Li GB
81 - 86 The removal of hardness of water using sulfonated waste plastic
Bekri-Abbes I, Bayoudh S, Baklouti M
87 - 95 Feasibility of the concept of hybridization of existing co-generative plant with reverse osmosis and aquifer storage
Al-Katheeri E, Agashichev SP
96 - 118 Multi-objective optimization of RO desalination plants
Vince F, Marechal F, Aoustin E, Breant P
119 - 127 Weather data and analysis of hybrid photovoltaic - wind power generation systems adapted to a seawater greenhouse desalination unit designed for arid coastal countries
Mahmoudi H, Abdul-Wahab SA, Goosen MFA, Sablani SS, Perret J, Ouagued A, Spahis N
128 - 134 The application of hybrid system UASB reactor-RO in landfill leachate treatment
Bohdziewicz J, Kwarciak A
135 - 145 Membrane methods in tailoring simpler, more efficient, and cost effective wastewater treatment alternatives
Khedr AG
146 - 150 High effective to remove nitrogen process in abattoir wastewater treatment
Shengquan Y, Siyuan G, Hui W
151 - 164 Wastewater desalination in Israel
Glueckstern P, Priel M, Gelman E, Perlov N
165 - 175 Performance of VSEP vibratory membrane filtration system during the treatment of landfill leachates
Zouboulis AI, Petala MD
176 - 186 Desalination of produced water from oil production fields by membrane processes
Cakmakci M, Kayaalp N, Koyuncu I
187 - 196 Characteristics and application of multiple membrane process in plating wastewater reutilization
Zuo WR, Zhang GL, Meng Q, Zhang HZ
197 - 201 Use of SAPO-5 zeolite-filled polyurethane membranes in wastewater treatment
Ciobanu G, Carja G, Ciobanu O
202 - 211 Feasibility of micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) for the heavy metal removal in soil washing effluent
Jung J, Yang JS, Kim SH, Yang JW
212 - 221 Treatment of waste water from metal working by ultrafiltration, considering the effects of operating conditions
Hesampour M, Krzyzaniak A, Nystrom M
222 - 229 Study of different alternatives of tertiary treatments for wastewater reclamation to optimize the water quality for irrigation reuse
Illueca-Munoz J, Mendoza-Roca JA, Iborra-Clar A, Bes-Pia A, Fajardo-Montanana V, Martinez-Francisco FJ, Bernacer-Bonora I
230 - 242 Desalination of domestic wastewater effluents: phosphate removal as pretreatment
Katz I, Dosoretz CG
243 - 248 Study of the behaviour of a reverse osmosis membrane for wastewater reclamation - influence of wastewater concentration
Garcia-Figueruelo C, Montag B, Bes-Pia A, Mendoza-Roca JA, Soriano-Costa E, Lora-Garcia J
249 - 254 Wastewater treatment of desalting units
Pak A, Mohammadi T
255 - 262 Phyto-remediation of chrome-VI of tannery effluent by Trichoderma species
Vankar PS, Bajpai D
263 - 271 Treatment of textile plant effluent by ultrafiltration and/or nanofiltration for water reuse
Fersi C, Dhahbi M
272 - 279 Nanofiltration of secondary effluent for wastewater reuse in the textile industry
Gozalvez-Zafrilla JM, Sanz-Escribano D, Lora-Garcia J, Hidalgo MCL
280 - 285 Applying filled and unfilled polyether-block-amide membranes to separation of toluene from wastewaters by pervaporation
Panek D, Konieuny K
286 - 293 Pollution of water resources from industrial effluents: a case study -Benghazi, Libya
Elhassadi A
294 - 301 Separation of carcinogenic aromatic amines in the food colourants plant wastewater treatment
Ye SQ, Hui W, Zhang CH, Fu H
302 - 306 Evaluation and biologic treatment of an urban effluent
Ghoualem H, Khouider A
307 - 317 Determination of the effect of cations and cationic polyelectrolytes on the characteristics and final properties of synthetic and activated sludge
Nguyen TP, Hilal N, Hankins NP, Novak JT
318 - 322 Study of the hydrolytic acidification-SBR process in aquatic products processing wastewater treatment
Ye SQ, Hui W, Zhang CH, Qin XM
323 - 330 Agricultural residue anion exchanger for removal of dyestuff from wastewater using full factorial design
Kose TE
331 - 339 Innovative integrated process for the treatment of azo dyes: coupling of photocatalysis and biological treatment
Brosillon S, Djelal H, Merienne N, Amrane A
340 - 347 Nitrification characteristics of PEG immobilized activated sludge at high ammonia and COD loading rates
Qiao XL, Zhang ZJ, Chen QX, Chen YJ
348 - 356 Removal of Safranin T from wastewater using micellar enhanced ultrafiltration
Zaghbani N, Hafiane A, Dhahbi M
357 - 367 Evaluation of the use of loofa activated carbons as potential adsorbents for aqueous solutions containing dye
Abdelwahab O
368 - 373 Enhancement of biological wastewater treatment by magnetic field exposure
Tomska A, Wolny L
374 - 381 Influence of excessive sludge conditioning on the efficiency of anaerobic stabilization process and biogas generation
Zawieja I, Wolny L, Wolski P
382 - 387 Rheological parameters of dewatered sewage sludge after conditioning
Wolny L, Wolski P, Zawieja I
388 - 393 Electrochemical degradation of tridecane dicarboxylic acid wastewater with tantalum-based diamond film electrode
Xu L, Wang W, Wang MY, Cai YY
394 - 403 Effect of oxidant treatment of date pit activated carbons application to the treatment of waters
Merzougui Z, Addoun F
404 - 409 Sequencing batch reactor system for the co-treatment of landfill leachate and dairy wastewater
Neczaj E, Kacprzak M, Kamizela T, Lach J, Okoniewska E
410 - 418 Modeling of volatile organic compounds removal from water by pervaporation process
Ghoreyshi AA, Jahanshahi M, Peyvandi K
419 - 430 Optimisation of design and operation of MSF desalination process using MINLP technique in gPROMS
Tanvir MS, Mujtaba IM
431 - 440 Process modelling in desalination plant operations
ElMoudir W, ElBousiffi M, Al-Hengari S
441 - 450 Design and operating characteristics of pilot scale reverse osmosis plants
Majali F, Ettouney H, Abdel-Jabbar N, Qiblawey H
451 - 456 Fouling dynamics modelling in the ultrafiltration of PEGs
Vela MCV, Blanco SA, Garcia JL, Rodriguez EB
457 - 465 A disjunctive programming model for superstructure optimization of power and desalting plants
Mussati SF, Barttfeld M, Aguirre PA, Scenna NJ
466 - 473 Preliminary modeling and control studies in AQUASOL project
Roca L, Berenguel M, Yebra L, Alarcon DC
474 - 481 Modelling of the adsorption of the chromium ion by modified clays
Arfaoui S, Frini-Srasra N, Srasra E
482 - 488 CFD modeling of porous membranes
Pak A, Mohammadi T, Hosseinalipour SM, Allahdini V
489 - 496 Comparison of different ED stack conceptions when applied for drinking water production from brackish waters
Larchet C, Zabolotsky VI, Pismenskaya N, Nikonenko VV, Tskhay A, Tastanov K, Pourcelly G
497 - 501 Application of membrane techniques to produce drinking water in China
Xia SJ, Xing L, Ji Y, Dong BZ, Yao JJ
502 - 512 Evaluation and evolution of the quality of the water resources in the distribution network
Ghizellaoui S
513 - 518 AQUAPOT: Study of the causes in reduction of permeate flow in spiral wound UF membrane. Simulation of a non-rigorous cleaning protocol in a drinkable water treatment facility
Arnal JM, Garcia-Fayos B, Verdu G, Lora J, Sancho A
519 - 527 Purification of water by activated carbon prepared from olive stones
Spahis N, Addoun A, Mahmoudi H, Ghaffour N
528 - 540 Demonstration of a new hybrid process for the decentralised drinking and service water production from surface water in Thailand
Sartor M, Schlichter B, Gatjal H, Mavrov V
541 - 547 Fuzzy set implementation for controlling and evaluation of factors affecting multiple-effect distillers
Mamlook R, Al-Rawajfeh AE
548 - 571 Parameters affecting the solubility of carbon dioxide in seawater at the conditions encountered in MSF desalination plants
Al-Anezi K, Somerfield C, Mee D, Hilal N
572 - 578 Two-stage solar multi-effect humidification dehumidification desalination process plotted from pinch analysis
Hou SB
579 - 591 The release of CO2 in MSF distillers and its use for the recarbonation plant: a case study
Al-Deffeeri NS
592 - 595 Utilisation of power plant waste heat steams to enhance efficiency in thermal desalination
Sommariva C
596 - 604 Thermodynamic design and parametric study of MED-TVC
Kamali RK, Abbassi A, Vanini SAS, Awal MS
605 - 625 Modeling of CO2 release and the carbonate system in multiple-effect distillers
Glade H, Al-Rawajfeh AE
626 - 638 CO2 release in vertical tube falling film evaporators
DonneR JH, Fokken J, Boeck K, Glade H, Will S
639 - 645 Experience of design and optimization of multi-effects desalination systems in Iran
Kamali RK, Mohebinia S
646 - 655 An open air-vapor compression refrigeration system for air-conditioning and desalination on ship
Hou SB, Li HC, Zhang HF
656 - 665 Direct-contact heat transfer of a single volatile liquid drop evaporation in an immiscible liquid
Mahood HB
666 - 672 On-line COP estimation for waste energy recovery heat transformer by water purification process
Escobar RF, Juarez D, Siqueiros J, Irles C, Hernandez JA
673 - 681 MSF design taken into account availability
Scenna N, Mussati S
682 - 688 Stress corrosion cracking (caustic embrittlement) of super heater tubes
Abouswa K, Elshawesh F, Abuargoub A
689 - 695 Sizing and thermal study of salinity gradient solar ponds connecting with the MED desalination unit
Garman MA, Muntasser MA
696 - 710 Fabrication of polymer film heat transfer elements for energy efficient multi-effect distillation
Scheffler TB, Leao AJ