Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.13, No.3, 195-199, March, 2003
Bridgeman 법에 의한 CdIn 2 Te 4 단결정 성장과 열처리 효과
The Effect of Thermal Annealing and Growth of CdIn 2 Te 4 Single Crystal by Bridgeman Method
The p?CdIn 2 Te 4 single crystal was grown in the three-stage vertical electric furnace by using Bridgman method. The quality of the grown crystal has been investigated by the x-ray diffraction and the photoluminescence measurements. From the photoluminescence spectra of the as-grown CdIn 2 Te 4 crystal and the various heat-treated crystals, the ( D ? , X) emission was found to be the dominant intensity in the photoluminescence spectrum of the CdIn 2 T e 4 :Cd, while the ( A ? , X) emission completely disappeared in the CdIn 2 T e 4 :Cd. However, the ( A ? , X) emission in the photoluminescence spectrum of the CdIn 2 T e 4 :Te was the dominant intensity like an as-grown CdIn 2 T e 4 crystal. These results indicated that the ( D ? , X) is associated with V Te acted as donor and that the ( A ? , X) emission is related to V cd acted as acceptor, respectively. The p?CdIn 2 T e 4 crystal was found to be obviously converted into the n-type after annealing in the Cd atmosphere. The origin of ( D ? , A ? ) emission and its TO phonon replicas is related to the interaction between donors such as V Te or Cd int , and accepters such as V cd or T e int . Also, the In in the CdIn 2 X CdIn 4 was confirmed not to form the native defects because it existed in the stable form of bonds.
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