Applied Chemistry, Vol.6, No.2, 759-762, November, 2002
Gelation에 의한 방사성 금속염화물의 안정화/고정화 Part2: 알칼리 금속염화물과 이성분계(Si-P)와의 겔화반응
Stabilization/Solidification of Radioactive Metal Chlorides wastes by Gellation Part2: Gelation with Alkali metal chloride in binary system (SiO2/P2O5)
By gelation with sodium silicate and phosphorous oxide in binary system, we investigated the possibility to fix the volatile alkali metal chlorides in a highly stable matrix at high temperature if the product gel is further solidified to form glass or ceramic waste form. The binary system with different metal chloride (MCI) loadings underwent gelation reaction at 70 ℃ for 1 day and dried at 110 ℃ for 1 day. XRD analysis showed that all the dried gel contained NaCl and some unknown crystalline phase. From the experimental results, the reaction mechanism can be proposed as follows. Also, the possibility of Cs vaporization could be lowered by the application of the new gel-route stabilization/solidification to treat waste salt. (G, Na) + MCl → (G, M) + NaCl, (G, H) + MCl → (G, M) + HCl.