
채호정 공저 논문

No. Article
1 A review on the recent developments of ruthenium and nickel catalysts for COx-free H2 generation by ammonia decomposition
Le TA, Do QC, Kim YM, Kim TW, Chae HJ
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 38(6), 1087, 2021
2 Selective oxidation of refractory sulfur compounds for the production of low sulfur transportation fuel
Jeong KE, Kim TW, Kim JW, Chae HJ, Kim CU, Park YK, Jeong SY
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(3), 509, 2013
3 Fischer-Tropsch 반응용 Fe계 압출성형촉매 제조에서의 바인더의 영향
서정환, 채호정, 김태완, 정광은, 김철웅, 이상봉, 정순용
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 49(6), 726, 2011
4 Direct conversion of cellulose into polyols or H2 over Pt/Na(H)-ZSM-5
You SJ, Baek IG, Kim YT, Jeong KE, Chae HJ, Kim TW, Kim CU, Jeong SY, Kim TJ, Chung YM, Oh SH, Park ED
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(3), 744, 2011
5 Attrition resistance and catalytic performance of spray-dried SAPO-34 catalyst for MTO process: Effect of catalyst phase and acidic solution
Kim M, Chae HJ, Kim TW, Jeong KE, Kim CU, Jeong SY
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(3), 621, 2011
6 Synthesis of anionic multichain type surfactant and its effect on methane gas hydrate formation
Kwona YA, Park JM, Jeong KE, Kim CU, Kim TW, Chae HJ, Jeong SY, Yim JH, Park YK, Lee J
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(1), 120, 2011
7 다양한 구조 유도제로 합성된 SAPO촉매를 이용한 자일로오스의 탈수화반응
김샛별, 유수진, 김용태, 채호정, 정순용, 박은덕
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 48(6), 684, 2010
8 Optimization of methanol synthesis reaction on Cu/ZnO/Al2O3/ZrO2 catalyst using genetic algorithm: Maximization of the synergetic effect by the optimal CO2 fraction
Lim HW, Jun HJ, Park MJ, Kim HS, Bae JW, Ha KS, Chae HJ, Jun KW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(6), 1760, 2010
9 Catalytic degradation of high-density polyethylene over SAPO-34 synthesized with various templates
Park JH, Heo HS, Park YK, Jeong KE, Chae HJ, Sohn JM, Jeon JK, Kim SS
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(6), 1768, 2010
10 Catalytic degradation of polyethylene over SBA-16
Choi SJ, Park YK, Jeong KE, Kim TW, Chae HJ, Park SH, Jeon JK, Kim SS
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(5), 1446, 2010
11 Hydrodynamic characteristics of cold-bed circulating fluidized beds for the methanol to olefins process
Lee HS, Lee Y, Park SS, Chae HJ, Jeong SY, Lee DH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(4), 1328, 2010
12 Effect of cobalt catalyst type and reaction medium on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
Kim CU, Kim YS, Chae HJ, Jeong KE, Jeong SY, Jun KW, Lee KY
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(3), 777, 2010
13 Ti-grafted SBA-15 촉매를 이용한 경유유분 중의 황화합물의 선택산화탈황 특성
조진수, 정광은, 채호정, 김철웅, 정순용, 오성근
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(5), 845, 2008
14 접촉분해경유로부터 산화황화합물의 분리에 관한 추출용매의 영향
박수진, 정광은, 채호정, 김철웅, 정순용, 구기갑
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(5), 965, 2008
15 다양한 구조 유도제로써 합성된 SAPO-34의 결정크기가 메탄올로부터 올레핀 전환반응(MTO)에 미치는 영향
송영하, 채호정, 정광은, 김철웅, 신채호, 정순용
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(5), 559, 2008
16 Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx by Propene over Copper-Exchanged Pillared Clays
Kim BS, Lee SH, Park YT, Ham SW, Chae HJ, Nam IS
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(5), 704, 2001
17 V2O5/Ti-PILC 촉매상에서 암모니아에 의한 질소산화물의 선택적 촉매 환원
채호정, 남인식, 양희성, 송석룡, 허익도
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(6), 783, 2000