Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.51, 206-215, July, 2017
Characteristics of vacuum fractional distillation from pyrolytic macroalgae (Saccharina japonica) bio-oil
Crude bio-oil from the brown alga Saccharina japonica was separated into distilled fractions under reduced pressure (40 mmHg). The three bio-oil distillates were depending on temperature (Fraction I; ≤40 °C, Fraction II; 40-120 °C, Fraction III; 120-160 °C, solid residue; b.p. > 160 °C). The characteristic of the middle distillates showed that aliphatics (including alkanes) and aromatics (including heterocyclics) were mostly distributed in a dark hydrophobic oil (DHO) of Fractions II and III, while anhydrosugars, acids, ketones and ethers were mainly concentrated in a transparent hydrophilic oil (THO) of Fractions II and III.
Keywords:Vacuum fractional distillation;Bio-oil;Fuel blend;Fuel property;Brown alga Saccharina japonica
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